Truck Dispatch Service for owner operators.
Independent Truck Dispatcher for owner operators & truckers. Mustang Logistical Services is the most trusted and recommended choice in truck dispatch services. Our independent truck Dispatcher have stayed with Mustang Logistical Services for several years because they appreciate our dispatch services. Because we don’t make any money unless you do, our truck dispatchers work diligently to locate you the greatest loads. And our truckers know that we will locate them the best loads since the more money they make from the loads, the more money we earn. Mustang Logistical Services’ drivers are the happiest customers of our truck dispatching services as a result of this.
And, if you’re wondering how M.L.S can guarantee the best loads for our truckers, it’s because we track up-to-date load boards using cutting-edge technology.
Make Money With Our Independent Truck Dispatchers
The logistics staff at Mustang will keep track of and coordinate the movement of your vehicles and freight. We keep accurate freight records, activity logs, and financial paperwork for your truck loads using cutting-edge technology.
Earn handsome amount by investing the least time and without any hassle.
Simply fill out our Truck Dispatch Service Form on our Contact Us page to sign up for our truck dispatching services. If you need assistance with the Truck Dispatch Service Form, please contact Mustang Logistics at + 817 438 7789. The Mustang logistical services team can assist you multilingually.
Do you wish to book a load on your own? We’ll fill out your setup packet, keep track of each load, and handle all of the paperwork.
Do you require factoring services?
We connect you with the best factoring firms that pay within 24 hours. For the quickest possible payment. We will assist you in getting set up. Non-recourse factoring offers fleet owners special savings, as well as discounts at a variety of petrol stations.
As truck dispatchers, we realise how important it is for us to be there for you at all times.